RailsConf 2023 - Atlanta
RailsConf 2023 took place last week in Atlanta. I was fortunate enough to lead a group of about 25 Merakians to the event. Meraki sponsored the event. So, we had a booth, and a table at the job fair, and a vendor talk. Overall, it was a great trip for us! We made a ton of connections, with engineers, with vendors, and with Ruby Central (the conference organizers). And, now, we're full of energy for next time.
Regarding our vendor talk, Fito von Zastrow and I reprised our RubyConf Mini talk: A Brewer's Guide to Filtering out Complexity and Churn. We had more time, so we added a section on Self Registration, a technique we use to decouple factories from the classes they instantiate.
Unfortunately, the conference does not record vendor talks.
Fortunately, they let me bootleg the talk:
The audio quality isn't great. And, it's hard to see the slides. But, if you follow along with the deck, you'll get the drift.
If you take the time to watch it, please let us know what you thought about it.
Hopefully, we'll see you at RubyConf in San Diego in November!
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