The Coffee Machine Series: As a patron, I want cocoa
Welcome to the fifth in a series of posts in which we will answer the questions:
* How does complexity sneak
Thank You, RubyConf 2023!
Well, RubyConf 2023 is over. And, what an amazing experience it was!
I want to thank everyone who attended (whether
Mmm... Buttery, Flaky... Tests?
We've all encountered unexplainable CI failures. They are a total pain. But, let's be honest, most
The Coffee Machine Series: As a patron, I might want condiments
Welcome to the fourth in a series of posts in which we will answer the questions:
* How does complexity sneak
The Coffee Machine Series: As a patron, I want tea
Welcome to the third in a series of posts in which we will answer the questions:
* How does complexity sneak
The Coffee Machine Series: As a patron, I want coffee
Welcome to the second in a series of posts in which we will answer the questions:
* How does complexity sneak
Do not allow_any_instance_of (unless you must)
The RSpec team says not to use `allow_any_instance_of`. So, why did they include it in RSpec in the first place?